C.K.S.D Info
C.K.S.D. holds their monthly meetings the second Wednesday of each month. Please check our monthly calendars to make sure the meeting date or time has not been changed!
The Administrative Building is located at 328 E. Ellendale Road, Edgerton.
The Administrative Building’s regular business hours are from 8:00 am until noon and 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm. Our phone numbers are (608) 868-7191.
The Edgerton Reporter.
Call our emergency phone at (608) 774-3629.
We only accept credit and debit card payments through calling ACI Payments, Inc. at 1-833-398-6729. You will be asked for the Jurisdiction Code, which is 6826. We also have a “direct payment” option, which the payment is automatically deducted from your checking or savings account. Please contact Sara Miller at (608) 868-7191 for more information.
Greg Droessler from Town & Country Engineering, Inc. 10505 Corporate Drive Suite 105A, Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 (262)925-3210 Email: gdroessler@tcengineers.net
Jonathan Groessl from Carney Davies LLC, 2620 N. Pontiac Drive, P.O. Box 2000, Janesville, WI 53547-2000 (608) 754-1700 Email: Jgroessl@carneythorpe.com
Barb Steponkus from Steponkus Tax Service (608) 884-6436 Edgerton Office (608)868-4641 Milton Office (608) 882-6301 Evansville Office Email: taxldy35@gmail.com
Garbage and Recycling Info
Please contact your township that you live in and they will give you this information.
Sanitary District Info
Fulton Sanitary District No. 2 is attached to C.K.S.D., so you would contact C.K.S.D at (608) 868-7191.
Albion Sanitary District No. 4 is attached to C.K.S.D., so you would contact C.K.S.D. at (608) 868-7191. If you have a question about the special assessments, please contact Julie Hanewall at (608) 884-8974 at the Albion Town Hall.
You may have your lateral cleaned as a maintenance item. This is done primarily by contractors. You may also install a back flow preventer in your sewer line. You should not throw large items or grease down your drains. If you have any questions, please contact Dave Houfe at (608) 868-7191.
John Traynor, Town of Milton representative, President (608) 868-3793; Rich Plywacz, Town of Fulton representative, Vice President (608) 868-9149; Gary Tellefson, Town of Albion representative, Secretary (608) 295-2523; Russell Sime, Town of Sumner representative, Treasurer (608) 884-9139; Dan Cullen, Town of Milton representative, Commissioner
According to the C.K.S.D. Ordinance, it is illegal to discharge sump flows into the sanitary sewer. Contact Dave Houfe at (608) 868-7191 if you have questions regarding this.