The Consolidated Koshkonong Sanitary District will hold their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 meeting in person! We will take all necessary precautions due to the Covid-19 and masks will be required at the meeting per the Governor’s State Order. If you do not feel comfortable attending the meeting, you can still join by tele-conference. You will need to dial 1-602-580-9787 and then input the passcode 7400024# when asked. You will need to state your name in order to be admitted to the meeting.
C.K.S.D. Special Meeting
The Consolidated Koshkonong Sanitary District will hold a special meeting on Monday, September 21, 2020 in person! We will take all necessary precautions due to the Covid-19 and masks will be required at the meeting per the Governor’s State Order. If you do not feel comfortable attending the meeting, you can still join by tele-conference. You will need to dial 1-602-580-9787 and then input the passcode 7400024# when asked. You will need to state your name in order to be admitted to the meeting.
C.K.S.D. Monthly Meeting
The Consolidated Koshkonong Sanitary District will hold their regular monthly meeting on September 9, 2020 meeting in person! We will take all necessary precautions due to the Covid-19 and masks will be required at the meeting per the Governor’s State Order. If you do not feel comfortable attending the meeting, you can still join by tele-conference. You will need to dial 1-602-580-9787 and then input the passcode 7400024# when asked. You will need to state your name in order to be admitted to the meeting.
C.K.S.D. Budget Meeting
The Consolidated Koshkonong Sanitary District will hold a special meeting on August 31, 2020 meeting in person! We will take all necessary precautions due to the Covid-19 and masks will be required at the meeting per the Governor’s State Order. If you do not feel comfortable attending the meeting, you can still join by tele-conference. You will need to dial 1-602-580-9787 and then input the passcode 7400024# when asked. You will need to state your name in order to be admitted to the meeting.
C.K.S.D. Monthly Meeting
The Consolidated Koshkonong Sanitary District will hold their August 19, 2020 meeting in person! We will take all necessary precautions due to the Covid-19 and masks will be required at the meeting per the Governor’s State Order. If you do not feel comfortable attending the meeting, you can still join by tele-conference. You will need to dial 1-602-580-9787 and then input the passcode 7400024# when asked. You will need to state your name in order to be admitted to the meeting.
C.K.S.D. Monthly Meeting
The Consolidated Koshkonong Sanitary District will hold their July 8, 2020 meeting in person! We will take all necessary precautions due to the Covid-19. If you do not feel comfortable attending the meeting, you can still join by tele-conference. You will need to dial 1-888-771-4385 and then input the passcode 9280319# when asked. You will need to state your name in order to be admitted to the meeting.
C.K.S.D. Monthly Meeting
The Consolidated Koshkonong Sanitary District will hold their June 17, 2020 meeting in person! We will take all necessary precautions due to the Covid-19. If you do not feel comfortable attending the meeting, you can still join by tele-conference. You will need to dial 1-800-341-6274 and then input the passcode 8805474# when asked. You will need to state your name in order to be admitted to the meeting.
C.K.S.D. Tele-conference Meeting
The Consolidated Koshkonong Sanitary District will hold their regular meeting via tele-conference on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. This meeting is open to the public via tele-conference, given the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic and Safer At Home Order issued by Governor Evers.
“The C.K.S.D. is using the Wisconsin WebEx telephonic system to hold its meetings telephonically and virtually. A video application will not be used. Any member of the public is free to attend this meeting by dialing 1-800-991-9019 and entering the passcode 6909532#. Meeting attendees must state their name in order to be admitted to the meeting. Then, upon entering, their name will be announced to all members of the meeting. Should somebody fail to give their name, the moderator will terminate their attendance. Further, upon leaving the meeting, their name will be announced so that all parties in attendance know that they have left the meeting. Welcome aboard!”
Dial in: 1-800-991-9019 Toll Free
Passcode: 6909532#
Lynne Lund, Internal Operations Manager
Adjourn of Monthly Meeting
The President of the Consolidated Koshkonong Sanitary District has adjourned the monthly meeting on April 8, 2020 until the monthly meeting on May 20, 2020.
Please read!